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April 2022 - October 2023

Work with Dr. Juntao Chen on safety of Machine Learning systems.

Fordham - IBM Research Fellowship: collaborate with researchers at IBM Research on the topic “Secure and Resilient Learning for Autonomous Dynamic Systems.”

Fordham University
Student Researcher
March 2021 - May 2023

Worked as Software Engineer at Fordham Educational Data Mining (EDM) Lab, directed by Professors Gary Weiss, Daniel Leeds, and Yijun Zhao.

Graduate research group: Developed Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing models to predict standardized test scores (GRE scores) and address gender/racial bias in letters of recommendation.
Project uses Scikit-Learn, XGBoost, Tensorflow, and HuggingFace.

Undergraduate research group: Developed and maintained a data mining software written in Python using Pandas.

Fordham University
Tutor and TA
October 2021 - now

TA for CISC1600 Computer Science 1, tutor a variety of undergraduate CS Courses such as Data Structures or Computer Algorithms.

Mobifone Corporation
Machine Learning Engineer Intern
January 2022 - September 2022

Developed a Real-time license plate recognition software from traffic camera data.
Project uses Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCV, and YOLO object detection algorithm.

May 2020 - August 2020

Tech stack: Microsoft Azure, WordPress, Node.js, SQL.
Built the website Tincondi to help teens choose their career based on personality test, integrated with job searching service.

CMC Corporation, CIST Lab
Software Engineer Intern (High School)
August 2018 - September 2018

Tech Stack: Python, RegEx.
Developed a text-mining app to classify official documents for the Vietnamese government.